Moringa Seedlings

Moringa is widely cultivated for its seeds, pods, and leaves, used as vegetables, herbs, and other industrial purposes. Moringa seeds take 3-14 days to germinate under warm temperatures of 70-90F.

Moringa is native to India and other countries. Moringa is a fast-growing crop, highly drought resistant, and very easy to adapt to the environment.

They are commonly called drumstick trees, horseradish trees, or their common name, Moringa.
Place your order for viable Moringa seeds or their seedlings.

KSh 250.00


Moringa Seedlings

Moringa Seedlings

Moringa Oleifera is propagated mainly by Moringa seeds and seedlings. Moringas seeds and seedlings grow rapidly into the tree and have high adaptability to a range of environments. Usually, flowering begins within the first six months after planting and can occur twice a year with constant rainfall.

moringa seedlings

Moringa Seeds and Seedlings: Plant Features and Benefits

  • Moringa is grown mainly in semiarid, tropical, and subtropical regions.
  • Moringa seeds and seedlings thrive best in soil with a pH of 6.3-7.0.
  • The mature Moringa tree is about 10-12m tall and 45cm wide
  • It germinates in 3-14 days under warm temperatures of 70-90F.
  •  It is highly drought-resistant and adapts to new environments easily.
  • It protects and nourishes skin and hair. It protects hair from free radicals and contains protein that protects the skin.
  • It helps to protect the liver and prevent cancer.
  • It helps to treat stomach complaints such as constipation, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis.
  • Moringa is medicinal as it helps to make bones stronger and healthier.
  • Moringa can be used to treat Asthma by reducing bronchial constrictions.
  • It helps to reduce high blood pressure.

India records 1.2 million tonnes of fruits annually. Moringa requires dry conditions with supplemental irrigation and fertilizer application. The tree of Moringa can yield up to 500-600 pods yearly, but a good tree in good condition can yield up to 1000 or more pods. And Moringa seed oil is called Ben oil because of its high behenic acid content. Seed oil can be used as biofuel.
Moringa contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3.


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